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SPOONIE -- a person(s) living with a chronic illness, whether it is physical or a mental illness.

Self-Care for when You Don't Care

Here is a list of things you can do when the basics are just too hard to manage….

1. Can’t shower or bathe? This a my #UltimateStruggle. I have zero extra energy to spend to take a shower, even if it's a seated one. Instead, grab yourself a cloth or a wipe next time you have to go to the bathroom and just do the “its”. Pits, Tits, Shits, Bits. What that means is wipe your armpits, your chest/breasts (especially the fold underneath), your bum hole, and your personal front bits. Oh, and I usually keep a stick of deodorant in my pouch of pills- so add a new coat of that to help you smell extra nice.

2. Can’t wash your sheets or make your bed? I don’t know about the animals in your home, but mine unfortunately shed. I have a black cat and a white dog, so there is no winning when it comes to pet hair showing. Does making your bed really matter? Not on my list of important things by a long shot. What I try and do though is change the pillow case more often and just add a spritz of vinegar/water combo (you can even add some essential oils like lavender) to the actual pillow before putting the new case on.

3. Still wearing those same pajamas? I’ve created a 5 day challenge to show you how to maximize wearing the same set of pj’s for a week while still having to do video conference calls.

The short version is there are ways to mix up your look if you need to. Otherwise, perhaps just changing your underwear or some freshening up spray to delay the stink from really bothering you.

4. Can’t make anything to eat? In this day and age, there are so many ways to get food delivered. Try ordering a bigger portion so that you can save some leftovers for later. I know the majority of my eating habits involve cereal, but I struggled with

having milk stay fresh. At the very least, maybe making yourself a bowl of cereal or perhaps some instant oatmeal in the microwave and if you’ve got some protein powder add that to it.

Worst case, drink some water.

5. Can’t manage people-ing? Regardless of the state of my mental health, I’ve realized that I am an introvert. So people-ing is always a chore. Perhaps write a post (or create a voice note if you can string words together out loud) on the notepad on your phone about how you’ll get back to responding to them soon. Then copy/paste it to all the people messaging you. If you’re in a tough spot, please know that there are resources that allow you to text in instead of call in if you’re in danger/harm to yourself/others. I know it's hard to take that one step to actually talk to someone sometimes.

6. Can’t sleep? Youtube and Netflix have many videos that you can just put on and listen to. I like to listen to history podcasts as well as history videos on Youtube.

Something you can add in the search term is ASMR, which are videos that are meant to trigger a meditative response.

7. Can’t go for a walk or a drive? Maybe you can open the curtains/blinds and maybe a window to get some outside air into your lungs. I have also heard of people using any digital role playing games that make your character walk around. World of Warcraft or Sims anyone? I’m not much of an Animal Crossing person myself. If you have access to the outside from your door, perhaps bring your coffee or tea to drink on the front step.

8. Can’t manage work or school? When this is the case, please make sure to reach out to fellow co-workers or other students. If you have any sort of Academic Accommodations, now would be the perfect time to pull those out and use them.

Making sure you have a solid support network that can get you the work now for you to do at a later date can be useful. Also, don’t be shy about using your spouse or parent to call in for you.

9. Can’t brush your teeth or wash your face? Grab another wipe! You can use that on your face, and perhaps mouthwash for your mouth. Worst case, just grab a mint or some gum to chew.

Do ONLY what you absolutely fucking have to do.



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Self-Care... for when you just CAN'T

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